Elio Graziano

Catania 05/02/1973

December 2000. Degree in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Rome “La Sapienza” – Thesis in Architectural Design.

2001 / 2015 Profession of architect carried out in Catania, Rome and Berlin.

Painting and Graphic Design.


1 – 17 September 2023. Open Studios and collective exhibition “55X3” at the Kunstfabrik HB55 in Berlin in relation to the Lange Nacht der Bilder in Lichtenberg, Berlin and the Berlin Art Week 2023. Curator Ian Jehle.

13 – 29 October 2023, MoNo collective exhibition at the spaces of the Kunstfabrik HB55, Berlin. Curator Tim van den Oudenhoven.

22 – 18 April 2022. Collective exhibition and auction in favor of children, families and injured people fleeing from Ukraine. Gisela_freier_Kunstraum Gallery, Berlin,

September 2020. Open Studios and personal exhibition in the atelier (Secret heroes of my poems) at the Kunstfabrik HB55 in Berlin in relation to the Lange Nacht der Bilder 2020.

20 January – 10 February 2018. Personal exhibition entitled Snapshots at the L’Atelier gallery, Berlin

June 2018. Personal exhibition entitled SAAB_Shaman Abstracts Ancient Blues at the L’Atelier gallery, Berlin

February 2018. Personal exhibition entitled New Berliners at the spaces of the Corte dei Medici, Catania.

September 2017. Open Studios at the Kunstfabrik HB55, Berlin in connection with the Lange Nacht der Bilder 2017.

March 2017. Personal exhibition entitled Les Graines du Mali at the Galleria Atelier Montez, Rome. Sale of the works to subsidize the MenoMali 2017 Mission in Mali.

13 – 18 September 2016. Open Studios and collective exhibition “Reactions” at the spaces of the Kunstfabrik HB55, Berlin in relation to the Berlin Art Week Special. Curator Kerstin Godschalk.

28 April – 15 May 2016. Personal exhibition Flowers will cover everything at the L’espace de l’espèce gallery (HB55 Berlin). Curator Kerstin Godschalk.

February 2016. Collective Exhibition at the KōArt Unconventional Place gallery, Catania. Curator Aurelia Nicolosi.

27 – 28 November 2015. HB55 Artvent: collective exhibition and sale. Curator Kerstin Godschalk.

30 April – 02 May 2015. Open Studios and collective exhibition “Transformations” at the gallery L’espace de l’espèce (HB55 Berlin) in connection with the Gallery-Weekend-2015, Berlin. Curator Kerstin Godschalk

25 August – 10 October 2015, Vizzini, Palazzo Trao-Ventimiglia. Personal exhibition New Berliners, as part of the Verghiane – theater, music, cinema, visual arts. Curator Marilisa Spironello.

2 – 22 August 2015, Vizzini, Palazzo Costa. Personal exhibition New Berliners, as part of the Verghiane – theater, music, cinema, visual arts. Curator Marilisa Spironello.

20 – 22 May 2015 competition and collective exhibition in the spaces of the Egyptian Embassy in Rome.

December 2013 – March 2014. Personal exhibition New Berliners at the Montoya space, Berlin

December 2013 – March 2014. Personal exhibition at the Montoya space in Berlin: New Berliners.

From June 25th to July 4th, 2010. Participation at the exhibition “Materica – collettiva di Arte contemporanea” at the Galleria Montoro – Via di Montoro, 23. Rome.

From 10th to 20th June 2010 solo Exhibition of paintings at the Galleria Montoro – Via Montoro, 23. Rome. Title of the Exibition: Ein Maler gibt diese Skizzen.

24th and 25th April 2010. Exhibition of paintings in the exhibition “Arte in Campo – Festa di Primavera”, sponsored and held at the Foundation “Associazione Campo dell’Arte” in Ciampino (Rome).

July 2009. Graphic design and production of Acrylic and Collage on Paper (various sizes) for the decor of two apartments located in Rovinj, Croatia.

2008. Participation at the 8th edition of the “18:24 Art Competition” organized by the association Circolo Artistico di Jesolo (Venice). Ranked at the Second place in the section “Figurative Art”.

2008. Solo Exhibition of paintings in the exibition’s hall of the “Vineria Ai Tre Scalini” in Rome.

2007. Graphic design and production of prints on photo paper for the decor of the rooms and apartments of the Re Martino Residence in Catania.

June 15, 2005. Participation, together with Ilaria Vernier, at the First Tivoli Painting Ex-tempore, organized in the old center of Tivoli. Title of the Work: Hercules dies.

2005. Design and realization of the scene for the final evening of the festival Teatro-In Cabaret – VII edition, held in June 2005 at the “Lido Le Palme” in Catania.

August 2004. Participation in outdoor exposure (exposure and sales) “Grisia” held in Rovinj – Croatia.

2004. Design and realization of the scene for the final evening of the festival TeatroIn Cabaret – sixth edition, held in June 2004 in the inner courtyard of the “Collegio Cutelli” in Catania.

2004. Graphic design of the poster advertising the play “Il Teatro Rivelato” by Elena Ragaglia and Salvo Valentino, staged from 16th to 18th April 2004 at the TeatroIn, Catania. Design and realization of the scene.

2004. Graphic design of the poster advertising for the play “Viva Garcia Lorca” by Salvo Valentino, staged from 9th to 11th January 2004 at the TeatroIn in Catania. Design and realization of the scene.

2003. Design and realization of the scene for the final evening of the festival TeatroIn Cabaret – V edition, held in June 2003 in Piazza Duca di Genova, Catania.

2003. Graphic design of the poster advertising for the play “Il Trio in mi bemolle” by Eric Rohmer, staged from 5th to 7thth December 2003 at the TeatroIn, Catania. Design and realization of the scene.


February 2008. Publishing with the Publisher Aletti (Rome), the short novel: Werther Bistrot.

July 2007. Publication of a short story: Il Presepe, in the July 2007 issue of the literary magazine Il Club degli Autori, published by the Publisher Montedit – Melegnano (MI). This short story is classified at the second place in the Narrative Section, as a result of a literary competition organized by the Montedit publishing firm.

June 2007. Publication, with the Publisher Aletti (Rome), of a short story: Fotografie appiccicate al muro. in the collection: I porti sepolti vol .X.

2007. Publication in electronic format (e-book), on the official website of the publisher Cento Autori and of the association Libera Italiana Onlus, of the short novel: Itinerario, – written with Ilaria Vernier.

2003. Present in the Encyclopedia of Italian Emerging Poets edited and published by the Publisher Aletti of Rome.

2002 / 2007 Publication of poems with the publisher Aletti (Rome), in the poems collections Habere Artem vol.VI, Habere Artem vol.VII, Habere Artemvol.VIII, Tra un fiore raccolto e l’altro donato, Poetici Orizzonti Vol.V , and Altre Sembianze.